Q & A
1 Q: How do I get Started?
From the home page you can browse all the products, search by category or simply look up on the search bar the name of items you are looking for.
2 Q: How do I create an account?
You can create an account by clicking the middle icon on the upper right hand corner of the home page, scroll down after selecting and click create account, from there follow the instructions. Click our video https://youtu.be/b2poJRrvECw to learn more.
3 Q: How much do I have to pay for shopping online at WEPAK4U?
You control how much you pay based on the total of the items you add to your shopping cart.
4 Q: Are there any other additional fees at checkout?
All Customers are charged a Service Fee of $35.00 Usd for pick-up and packing of the barrel. Click our video https://youtu.be/nCIDgznSciM to learn more.
5 Q: What are shipping fees of the barrel to and ocean freight?
There is a charge of $25.00 Usd that covers the transport of the Barrel to the shipping company, in addition to a standard Ocean Freight charge of $99.00 Usd to ship to Bridgetown Port. Click our video https://youtu.be/pq0W6OOHAa4 to learn more.
6 Q: Can I share a barrel with one or multiple friends or family members?
Yes, you can pack a barrel with as many as 10 family members.
simply complete our Group Barrel Sign-up Form located at the bottom of Service page or the Home page. Be sure to include how many people will be sharing a barrel with you by checking the box that corresponds to the number of people, Create a unique code number and submit. This code number you must share with the other members sharing the barrel with you.
We will use this code to identify all the purchases that will be grouped together in the barrel. Each member will shop online for the products of their choice to be added to the barrel and check out separately. A Service Fee, the Cost of the shipping Barrel and Ocean freight will be divided equally amount all group members. Turn over document fees will be collected in Barbados for customs clearance. These additional fees should be shared equally as well. Click our video https://youtu.be/xEU5N9BEMIw to learn more.
7 Q: How will shipping be charged for a shared barrel with multiple friends or family members?
After everyone from the group completes their purchases, the packing fee of $35.00 Usd, the $25.00 Usd and the standard Ocean Freight charg eof $99.00 Usd will be divided billed equally to each member.